Valmar Engineers are accredited individuals and competent in the completion of Thorough Examination.
Under UK law, every fork lift truck must have a valid Thorough Examination certificate. Consolidated Fork Truck Services (CFTS) sets the national standard for this vital, regular inspection.
Thorough Examination for fork lift trucks is roughly equivalent to the MOT for cars – a mandatory check to ensure that the mechanical parts of your fork lift are in safe working order. It is not the same as regular maintenance – so you need one whether or not you have just had the truck serviced.
Thorough Examination is required by law, and must take place at regular intervals that depend on the type of truck you’re running, but it will certainly be at least once a year however often more.
NOT all Thorough Examinations are created equal. It is crucial to ensure that your Thorough Examinations comprehensively cover both the lifting and the driving mechanisms of the truck: amazingly, not all of them do.
Some so-called “Thorough” Examinations only cover a fork truck’s lifting mechanism, doing the minimum to meet LOLER 98; but you also have a duty under PUWER 98 to ensure equipment is safe to use – and that requires a much more detailed test. Only a CFTS Thorough Examination is certain to cover both parts.
A truly Thorough Examination should include all the following:

Without the CFTS seal of approval, there is no guarantee that your truck will actually be examined carefully, or that they will check the mast, but not the brakes.
How do you know that a CFTS fork lift truck Thorough Examination is rigorous enough to give you peace of mind?
Valmar sign up to a 60-page Quality Assurance Procedural Code covering methods, training, company administration and more. This is freely available for viewing, so that anybody can see exactly what standards we expect from accredited companies, and why they can be trusted to properly examine something as valuable as a fork lift truck.
The Code details who is responsible for what, and how a Competent Person carries out their work, ensuring total integrity and a reliable, well-managed service, giving you confidence in a safe, fair and legal Thorough Examination.
Contact Valmar today for more information on how to have your Truck Thoroughly Examined to the highest standard.